If you aren’t familiar with CBD oil by CBDNorth, it means Cannabidiol. Some of the best CBD in Canada contains one of the most active compounds found in the cannabis plant, popularly known as marijuana. As most know, marijuana is now accepted in the medical field as having medicinal properties.

Although little research points to cannabis as a cure for migraines, relevant studies link cannabis to relieving pains, reducing inflammation, and relief from nausea, stress, and headache. A cannabis plant contains more than 100 cannabinoids; CBD is one. Unlike TCH (tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD does not have a compound that produces a ‘high’ feeling.

CBD oil is growing in popularity, mainly because of its perceived medicinal value. However, CBD oil is still undergoing medical research investigations for its potential health benefits. Some experts claim that CBD works by preventing the body from metabolizing anandamide – the compound associated with pain regulation.

A high level of anandamide in your bloodstream may reduce your feeling of pain. Another study suggests that CBD oil limits inflammation in the body. It can also reduce pain and induce other responses in the immune system.

Although a growing body of research connects CBD oil with relieving pain, particularly neurological pain, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved its use. The American Migraine Foundation acknowledges that CBD may be an effective migraine treatment, but it lacks definitive medical research.

Here are some of which CBD is commonly used:

  • used as a topical option for patients suffering from joint and muscle pains.
  • used in vaping (it may be risky)
  • used as an ingredient in food
  • used as oral drops or spray

Professionals caution patients against using CBD oil without proper guidance from medical experts because of its potential side effects and risks.

Remember that CBD oil is not yet a proven cure for migraine and other related body pains.

man in blue hoodie hands on face has headache

More research is still needed before it can become a medically approved treatment. But if you want to try CBD oil for your migraine treatment, it is better to talk to your doctor first to give you proper advice on its safe dosage and legal use.

Or you can settle for the conventional options. Many treatments for migraines are recommended depending on your case’s severity.

Among the things that you may do if you have a migraine are:

  • find the root cause or trigger
  • practice stress management
  • get a regular quality sleep

Some drugs are proven to cure migraine; among them are:

  • over-the-counter ibuprofen, aspirin, or mefenamic acid
  • Prescription drugs for pain relief and inflammation
  • Other doctors prescribed medications

Having a recurring migraine negatively affects your day-to-day activities. It also affects your mood and emotions. Instead of self-medicating with CBD oil, seeking professional advice about the proper treatment for your migraine is better. Self-medicating may be dangerous and may put you at more health risks.